Friday, January 2, 2009

A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

A few days before Christmas David, Jodi, Abraham, Dallin and I went to PF Changs for dinner. I had noodles! I love noodles and would like to work at PF Changs making noodles. I think it would be a good job.

Before Christmas we also went to lights of the South. They had a Cinderella pumpkin coach. I got to sit in the pumpkin coach. It was so fun. There were so many beautiful Christmas lights! We had hot chocolate and went on a hay ride. I would like to take my parents, Shelly and JaNel to try it.

What a wonderful Christmas! For Christmas I got a Kung Fu Panda outfit! I love it! I love Kung Fu Panda because Jack Black is the real Dragon Warrior! And he is my Hero! My mother made me a red sash to go with my white shirt and stretch pants. Now I look just like Kung Fu Panda! I love it! I also got a Kung Fu Panda laundry basket.

For Christmas I got:

High School Musical sheets, Bed Spread, Curtains, Calendar, laundry basket and a Sticker book. I love High School Musical!

An I pod classic that had all my music on it! I love to listen to it all the time. I listen to my i pod at the gym when I'm on the treadmill or elliptical!

Seen it DVD game.
Two new DVD's.

A pink Chair.
A new lamp for my room.

It was a very good Christmas! I believe!

For New Years we did something really special! We went to Orlando Florida and went to Sea World! The morning we went to Sea World we found a McDonald's and went to breakfast. It was the largest McDonald's in the whole world! It was so cool! It was really big! It was so fun!

When we got to Sea World we got to see Free Willy! He was so wonderful! He jumped in the air very high. The women and men rode on him. We also saw the dolphin show. It was very wonderful too! There was another show with Sea Lions and a Walrus! They were on a pirate ship!

At Sea World I rode the Polar Express ride! I got to see Santa Clause and I believe with all my heart!

I rode a roller coaster with David Peterson. Then I rode a roller coaster with David, Abraham and Dallin. That roller coaster was wet! I love to ride roller coasters! They are so fun! Jodi couldn't ride the roller coasters with me because she is having a baby in April of 2009.

We went to dinner at the Oliver Garden. It was so good. I need to take my mother and father there in 2010. After dinner we went back to the hotel and took a nap. At 10pm we went back to Sea World. I bought a shirt with Free Willy on it! We watched fire works at midnight and made lots of noise! Then we rang in the new year with a ice cream cone. I had so much fun!

The next day we went back to Georgia. But we stopped in Daytona Beach Florida. It was cold! I just played on the beach. My nephew Abraham Peterson didn't mind the cold he got all wet in the ocean! I had a wonderful time!

This is what I've been doing this holiday season! I'll write more later! I love you!


  1. Kimi!! My name is Emily and I am David's sister. I love your blog and I love your High School Musical stuff, I love High Shool Musical too. I hope you're having fun with Dave and Jodi.

  2. .H1 Kimi

    This is Mom and we are at the Petersons' visiting for an hour or so on Sat afternoon. You sound like you are having such a wonderful time. You really look nice. Our time at the MTC has been just what it will probably be like in the Millennium. Their are so many wonderful people there and we are all going all over the world. We will send you pictures when we get back on line. We love you. Mom and Dad

  3. Hey Kim,

    Sounds like you are having the best time ever. You are the luckiest young woman I know. I wish I could have gone to Sea World with you. I got an i-pod classic for Christmas also, maybe we are twins. I love and miss you lots.

  4. Kimi - I love your pink bedroom! That is the coolest room I have ever seen.

  5. Kimi,

    Hi, its Stephanie. Shelly sent me your blog. I love it!!!! You sound like you are having a wonderful time. I would love to be down there where it is warm. We have 3 feet of snow, that would be up to your waist. Can you believe it?? I cant. Are you loving being with Jodi? I bet you are. I miss you.


  6. Hey Aunt Kimi, this is your nephew DeMar. I was bored and Dad showed me this blog, so I got on. I hope you're having a great time with Aunt Jodi and Uncle Dave. We are having a great time here in Ruby Valley, getting ready for my new little baby brother or sister. Your nephew,


  7. Youor bedroom is beautiful Kimi.It looks like a fun place to be. What a fun vacation. Uncle Verne and I went to Sea World and Disney World. Uncle Verne went on the Roller Coaster. I didn't. We are coming to Birmingham Alabama in the summer. Maybe we can come see you and Jodie and everyone. We love you Kimi. Uncle Verne and Aunt DeLoris
